
This image is the result of 24x120s exposures at  iso400 taken with a modified Canon 600 dslr on a Takahashi 106 mounted on a NEQ6 pro mount and guided using a Celestron 60mm refractor. The results were stacked and sigma averaged in AstroArt and processed a few times in Photoshop.
Rhys Owen

NGC6888 - The Crescent Nebula in Cygnus

Taken by Max Freier with a modified Canon 600D DLSR mounted on a Skywatcher ED100 APO on an iq45 iOptron mount.

The Exposure was 130 x 30sec, unguided and at ISO 800. With Astronomik Clip CLS/CCD filter. Stacked in Astroart and final processing in Photoshop with some help from Brian.

Taken from Rossington, Doncaster, Dec 2014

A wide field view of Orion

This is a wide view of the central region of Orion taken by Bill Hughes with a Canon 600D fitted with an 85mm f/1.4 lens set at f/2.0. The exposure was 24 x 30sec at ISO1600, stacked by adding them in 4s, then averaging the 6 groups of adds, all in Astroart, then finally processing the single file in Photoshop. North is to the left.