
The Apple Core or Dumbbell  planetary nebula in Vulpecula was taken with a modified Canon EOS600 on a Takahashi 106 refractor. About 2 hours worth of 120s exposures at iso800 with flats and darks were acquired in Nebulosity, stacked in AstroArt and modified in PhotoShop 


Taken with a partly collimated ODK12 and my M25C, on 6.6.15. An exposure of 30 x 60sec without flats or guiding. More work needed on collimating and mirror distance too, but improving well. I'm hoping to get stars to be the size of those seen by my Tak 106 but keep forgetting that the ODK12 has a focal length 4 times that of the Tak. Stacked by sigma averaging in 10s then adding the three averaged sets. I also need to aim more carefully. All done during the collimating process.

Orion Widefield Nebulosity

This photo was taken by Bill Hughes with a Canon 600D DSLR using an 80 mm f1.4 lens set at f2.0, complete with CLS filter and at ISO 3200,  only 5 exps x 176 secs each and Stacked by sigma average. 
An incredible amount of nebulosity is shown in this image and you can even clearly see the Horse Head Nebula just below Alnitak in Orion's belt.

 Taken in Tenerife on the 16th Feb 2015.