M38 or NGC 1912 is an open cluster in a busy region of Auriga.The smaller cluster, NGC 1907 is older and may have arisen from a different part of the galaxy.
L12x300s,RGB 6x300s each, Ha 6x600s exposures with the Sx Trius 694/Takahashi 106 combination.
Light frames were stacked and calibrated with flats in AstroArt with further processing in PhotoShop.
Kemble's Cascade

The picture is a mosaic of three taken with an Imaging Source DFK 21AF04 colour camera fitted with a 135 mm SLR lens operating at f/4, mounted on an iOptron iEQ45 Pro mount. The exposure was 27 seconds. The background of one picture was slightly lighter than the others, so I darkened it to match, then constructed the mosaic using iMerge. The final image was darkened again to remove the remaining background and the colour saturation increased by 30%.
IC 1848
The Soul Nebula is an emission nebula in Cassiopeia.The object is named after the small open cluster I.C.1848 embedded within its body. The large cavities are carved out by radiation and stellar winds from the region's massive stars. Regions where gases are pushed together are thought to be the source of star formation.
This image based on the Hubble palette showing part of the nebula was taken with a SX Trius 694 on a Takahashi 106 refractor from Hatfield Woodhouse in the light of a full moon using narrowband filters.Ha 12x600s. O111 9x600s.S11 9x600s
This image based on the Hubble palette showing part of the nebula was taken with a SX Trius 694 on a Takahashi 106 refractor from Hatfield Woodhouse in the light of a full moon using narrowband filters.Ha 12x600s. O111 9x600s.S11 9x600s
NGC 7000

This was a useful exercise in setting up equipment in the field.
NGC 281
These images of the PacMan nebula were processed from data collected 11.09.16 using Ha(12x600s)O111(9x600s)andS11(9x600s) filters on my usual kit.I used the Hubble palette for one and HaR,O111B.S11G for other, Ha was added as a luminance layer to each,
Most of the fiddling was done in PhotoShop
Most of the fiddling was done in PhotoShop
IC 1805
IC 1795

This is an emission nebula spanning about 70 light years across approximately 6000 light years away.
IC 1396

I have been trying out with the Society's LDX55-AR6 refractor which the Society wishes to sell. I have got the system working enough to try it out under the stars.
I took these pictures of the Moon and Saturn last night in less-than-perfect conditions, although I am quite pleased with the final results. Both pictures were taken with the same camera at prime focus of the telescope.
I have pasted the picture of Saturn onto that of the Moon to illustrate their relative sizes in the sky.
Recent Sunspots
Solar activity is diminishing in its 11-year cycle, but there have been a few nice spots recently and I have used them to try out the Society's 6-inch refractor. There was a nice single spot at the end of May and the AR-6 gave me a nice picture once I tried using a narrow-band filter with it. Then more recently there has been a nice set of three spots.
Here firstly are whole-Sun pictures taken with a 270-mm SLR lens in white light.
Top: Sunspot 12546 taken 24 May 2016
Below: Sunspots (left to right) 12567, 12565, and 12566 taken on 17 July 2016
The here are close-up pictures firstly of 12546 taken with the AR-6 refractor and an OIII filter.
Here firstly are whole-Sun pictures taken with a 270-mm SLR lens in white light.
Top: Sunspot 12546 taken 24 May 2016

The here are close-up pictures firstly of 12546 taken with the AR-6 refractor and an OIII filter.
And then the group of three taken in white light using my ETX125
Sadly this last is not as good as I would expect. Maybe seeing conditions were worse than they appeared to be.
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
This object was the first planetary nebula to be discovered; by Charles Messier in 1764. At its brightness of visual magnitude 7.5 and its diameter of about 8 arcminutes, it is easily visible in binoculars, and a popular observing target in amateur telescopes.
Photograph by Max Freier
Rossington 13th July 2016
19 x 300 sec at ISO 800..
100 mm APO telescope and Canon 600D Astromodified Camera
NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula
For this image I used Ha,O111 and S11 filters on my usual kit,namely a SX Trius 694 camera on a Takahashi 106 refractor. Exposures,100m,60m and 50m were not really adequate for this target at this time of year so, using some magic from RegiStar, I incorporate data from a DSLR image taken in 2014.This did not improve detail, but may have given added depth to the picture.
NGC 7380 is an open cluster surrounded by the nebula in Cepheus discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787.
NGC 7380 is an open cluster surrounded by the nebula in Cepheus discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787.
Pelican Nebula

The imaging camera was a Starlight Xpress Trius 695 mounted on a Takahashi 106 refractor.12x600s exposures with a Ha filter were acquired in Nebulosity, preprocessed in AstroArt and modified in PhotoShop.
The Transit of Mercury 9th May 2016
M81 and M82

This image was taken with a SX Trius 694 camera on a Takahashi 106 refractor. 6x600s Ha exposures were added to 12x300s using a
uv filter as luminosity and to 5x300s red filter then combined with 4x300s green and 3x300s blue filters. Acquired in Nebulosity, stacked with flats the results were processed in Photoshop.

Within the frame is the end-on spiral galaxy NGC4321 as well as other faint background galaxies.
The LRGB image was taken with a SX Trius 694 camera on a Takahashi 106 refractor. Exposures were L 23x300s R, G, and B 9x300s each, captured in Nebulosity ,stacked with flats in AstroArt and finally modified in Photoshop.
NGC 2903

M3 - A globular in Canes Venatici

Taken in April 2015 from Austerfield with the ODK12 and an M25C in a series of 60sec frames unguided. This was during the setting up of the ODK, so not a bad overall result looking back on the log. A re-processing of the subject to favour the colouring of the stars, in Photoshop. No flats or other calibration used.
The Monkey Head Nebula NGC 2174
NGC 2174 (also known as Monkey Head Nebula) is an H II emission nebula located in the constellation Orion and is associated with the open star cluster NGC 2175. It is thought to be located about 6,400 light-years away from Earth. The nebula may have formed through hierarchical collapse.
Photograph by Max Freier
Rossington 15th Jan 2016
10 x 300 sec at ISO 800..
100 mm APO telescope and Canon 600D Astromodified Camera
IC 405

These images of the Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga were taken on 21.12.15 using an SX Trius 694 camera with a Baader 7nm Ha filter on a Takahashi FSQ 106 refractor.10x600s exposures were captured in Nebulosity, stacked and pre-processed in AstroArt then finished off in Photoshop for the monochrome version. Using7x600s exposures with an 0111 filter and 6x600s with a S11 filter some colour was added, again in Photoshop.
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